04.02.2017 AYSEGÜL AKBAL- 2034 görüntülenme YAZDIR






28.7.2016 tarihinde yürürlüge giren 735 sayili Uluslararasi Is Gücü Kanunu ile uluslararasi isgücüne iliskin politikalarin belirlenmesi, uygulanmasi, izlenmesi ile yabancilara verilecek çalisma izni ve çalisma izni muafiyetlerine dair is ve islemlerde izlenecek usul ve esaslari, yetki ve sorumluluklari ve uluslararasi isgücü alanindaki hak ve yükümlülükler düzenlenmistir. Böylece kanun kapsaminda yer alan yabancilar, çalisma izni olmadan Türkiye’de çalisamayacaktir. Diger yandan, Türkiye’de en az 8 yil çalisma izni olan yabancilar, süresiz çalisma iznine basvurabilecektir. Kanun, Uluslararasi Isgücü Politikasi Danisma Kurulunun önerisiyle, basvurusu Bakanlikça uygun görülen yabancilara "Turkuaz Kart" verilmesine imkan tanimistir. Turkuaz Kart’a iliskin basvuru, degerlendirme ve geçis sürecine ve Turkuaz kart sahiplerine ve yakinlarina taninan haklar ise 14 Mart 2017 tarihli Yönetmelik ile yürürlüge girmistir.


The determination, implementation and monitoring of the policies with regard to the international labor force, and the procedures and principles and the powers and responsibilities to be followed in the works and procedures regarding the work permits and the work permit exemptions that will be given to the foreigners and the rights and obligations in the field of international labor force have been regulated by the Law on International Workforce No. 735, which entered into force on 28.07.2016. On the other hand, foreigners who have work permit in Turkey for at least 8 years may apply for a permanent work permit. With the proposal of the International Labor Force Policy Advisory Board, the Law allows the foreigners, whose application considered appropriate by the Ministry, to obtain the “Turquoise Card”. The application, assessment and transition process regarding the Turquoise Card and the rights entitled to the holders of Turquoise Card and to their relatives entered into force with the Regulation dated March 14, 2017.

Yönetmelik hükümlerine göre, Turkuaz Kart;

a) Egitim düzeyi, ücreti, mesleki bilgisi ve deneyimi, bilim ve teknolojiye katkisi ve benzeri nitelikleri itibariyla yüksek nitelikli isgücü olarak degerlendirilen,

b) Yatirim veya ihracat düzeyi, saglayacagi istihdamin büyüklügü, bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismeye yaptigi katki ve benzeri özellikleri itibariyla yüksek nitelikli yatirimci olarak degerlendirilen,

c) Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismeye katki saglayan veya bilim, sanayi ve teknoloji alanlarinda uluslararasi düzeyde ülke menfaatleri açisindan stratejik kabul edilen çalismalar ve arastirmalar yapan bilim insani veya arastirmaci,

ç) Kültürel, sanatsal veya sportif faaliyetler açisindan uluslararasi düzeyde basarili olan,

d) Türkiye’nin veya Türk kültürünün uluslararasi taninirligina veya tanitimina katki saglayan, Türkiye’nin milli menfaatlerine iliskin hususlarda uluslararasi düzeyde faaliyette bulunan,

yabancilara verilebilir.


According to the provisions of the Regulation, Turquoise Card can be granted to the foreigners who are;

a) Assessed as highly qualified workforce in respect of their level of education, wages, professional knowledge and experience, contribution to science and technology and so on.

b) Assessed as highly qualified investors with respect of their investment or export level, the size of the employment they will provide, their contribution to scientific and technological development and with their similar characteristics,

c) Scientists or researchers contributing to scientific and technological development or conducting studies and researches at international level in the fields of science, industry and technology, which are accepted as strategic with regard to country interests.

ç)  Successful at the international level with regard to cultural, artistic or sportive activities,

d) Contributing to the international recognition or promotion of Turkey or of Turkish culture, and engaging in activities at international level on matters concerning the national interests of Turkey.

Yönetmelik ile Turkuaz Kart basvurusunun degerlendirilmesinde uluslararasi isgücü politikasi dogrultusunda Genel Müdürlükçe belirlenen kistaslar kapsaminda olusturulan puanlama sisteminin dikkate alinacagi ifade edilmistir. 


With the Regulation, it has been stated that the scoring system established within the scope of the criteria determined by the Directorate General in the direction of international labor force policy will be taken into consideration in the assessment of the application of Turquoise Card.

Turkuaz Kart ilk üç yili geçis süresi olmak kaydiyla verilecektir. Geçis süresi içinde iptal edilmeyen ve geçis süresi kaydinin kaldirilmasina iliskin talebi uygun bulunan yabancinin Turkuaz Kart’taki geçis süresi kaydi kaldirilacak ve Turkuaz Kart süresiz hale gelecektir.  Turkuaz Kart sahibi süresiz çalisma izninin sagladigi haklardan yararlanacaktir.  Turkuaz Kart sahibi olan yabancilar; Türkiye’de askerlik yapma yükümlülügünden muaftirlar. Seçme ve seçilme, kamu görevlerine girme haklarindan yararlanamazlar.


The Turquoise Card will be granted on condition that the first three years will be the transition period. The period of transition record of the foreigner on the Turquoise Card, which has not been cancelled within the period of transition,   and whose requisition regarding the annulation of the period of transition record has been accepted as appropriate, will be annuled, and the Turquoise Card will become permanent. Turquoise Card holder will benefit from the rights provided by the permanent work permit. Foreigners who have Turquoise Card; are exempted from military service obligation in Turkey. They can not benefit from the rights to elect and be elected and to enter into public services.

Bakanlik tarafindan gerekli teknik altyapi tamamlanincaya kadar, bu Yönetmelik kapsaminda basvurular e-Devlet kapisi üzerinden erisilebilen Yabancilarin Çalisma Izinleri Otomasyonu araciligiyla yapilabilecektir.


Until the necessary technical infrastructure is completed by the Ministry, applications within the scope of this Regulation can be made through the Work Permits Automation of Foreigners, which is accessible via e-Government Office.

Yabanci çalistiran ticari sirketler, gerçek kisiler, adi sirketler, bir is yerinde çalisan/ çalismayi düsünen, staj amaci ile Türkiye de bulunan yabancilar söz konusu teblig hükümleri kapsaminda çalisma izni müracaatlarini bugünden (14 Mart 2017)  itibaren baslatabileceklerdir.


Commercial companies employing foreigners, real persons, ordinary companies, and the foreigners working/considering to work in a workplace, who are in Turkey for internship purposes will be able to make work permit applications within the scope of provisions of the mentioned official statement, as from today (14 March 2017) .

Av. Aysegül Akbal



Attn. Aysegül Akbal
